Year 13 is a great website whose target audience is young people. Not only do there deliver a multitude of articles across a broad range of topics relevant for young people. Their website has a host an information about jobs, skill, life and love!
Do not miss their “Explore Careers” section. Not only does it highlight education and training options it has data on wages and salaries as well as job growth trends.
School Leavers Information Kit
This initiative from the federal government has a treasure trove of information for all students but also specific information for rural, remote, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students as well as school leavers with a disability. Probably the best bit in the details on how to access free support services with qualified careers practitioners.
They also have a guide for parents, so don’t forget to download your guide too.
This one is not light reading but no less informative! It categorises every job you could possible think of and prioritizes the forecasts demand. It even break it down into state and territories. The amount of data is amazing and even just scanning the long list of careers is fun exercise.
It would be remiss of us to highlight this page without the reminder that just because your kid’s desired job might not show forecasted demand doesn’t mean they won’t be able to carve out a successful future for themselves.