Taking on high school and activities on their own

The path to success

In Years 7 and 8 kids are transitioning into high school and teenagehood. 

Their brains are maturing and rewiring themselves, hormones kick in and high school is a brave new world of independence, organisation and responsibility. 

At this age we shouldn’t expect them to have a definite destination in mind for when they leave school, although some may have already set their hearts on a particular path. 

Not knowing or changing your mind about your future is all part of the process of growing up and discovering more about yourself and the world.


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But there are things you can do to help your child explore the possibilities, be motivated and develop their decision making skills: 

  • Paint the future in a positive light as an adventure and a world of possibilities. 
  • Encourage your child to imagine where they’d like to be in the future and research careers of the future together
  • Explore the positive impact young people are having – campaigners, community leaders, entertainers, inventors and entrepreneurs… Ask them about who they follow 
  • Identify their values, passions, strengths and skills. How can these be linked to a future study or career direction? 
  • Keep the dialogue open. Even if their ideas are a bit ‘out there’, the fact that they are thinking about their future is a positive. Investigating and weighing up the pros and cons of an idea is part of decision making
  • Help them with their first part time job – job hunting, writing a resume, covering letters and interviews etc
  • Review digital profile
  • Discuss the realities of work and why a fulfilling career is worth the effort.
  • Get yourself up to speed on opportunities at school and post school. Talk to teachers and careers’ counsellors.

We’ve included some information, resources and activities to do together with your tween to help make talking about future plans entertaining. 

Enjoy learning together.

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