Starting on their schooling journey, children are just opening their minds to all of the possibilities. Their only limit is their imagination.
Learn MoreYour child will be exploring the world around them and finding out who they are. The possibilities are endless with enthusiasm to match.
Learn MoreStarting high school creates new beginnings. Now the chance to discover the world, start new subjects and try activities on their own is the key.
Learn MoreYoung adults who are growing in independence and taking responsibility as teens. This leads to a whole new world of opportunities while strengthening who they are and what they like at the same time.
Learn MoreRichly prepared young people, more than ready to leave high school behind and jump into being a "grown-up", they hold the whole world in the palm of their hands.
Learn MoreOur Experts
Leonie Stansfield
career counsellor & educator
Leonie Stansfield
An experienced career counsellor and educator, Leonie focuses on assisting people to progress their careers and effectively use their strengths, skills and interests in satisfying and productive work. Her varied career includes over 30 years in the not-for-profit sector, predominantly in employment services and vocational education and training. Formerly the NSW Division President of the Career Development Association of Australia and currently a member of the National Executive, Leonie has a Masters Degree in Career Development, a Graduate Certificate in Online Learning, and a Bachelor of Social Work. She is a parent of 2 adult children and enjoying the joys of grandparenting a 2 year old granddaughter.